
Horsley lab at MCDB retreat
October 28, 2017
At this year’s MCDB departmental retreat, members of the Horsley lab gave exciting research presentations in multiple formats. Brett gave an engaging talk entitled, “...
October 16, 2017
Nanda is the new Young Scientists Awardee for the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB)! As part of the “Young scientists Fellowship,” she...
September 8, 2017
On a sunny Friday morning Rachel defended her impressive body of work to her thesis committee, peers, family and friends, and received the title of PhD in Molecular, Cell,...
September 1, 2017
We are so proud of former undergraduate students of the Horsley Lab – Vivian Lei, Christine Wu, and Amanda Farrell – who are now pursuing their medical degrees...
August 5, 2017
The Society of Investigative Dermatology selected Valerie to give the annual Montagna Lecture at the upcoming International Investigative Dermatology meeting.  This award...
June 24, 2017
Valerie, Renee, and Rachel had a fantastic time in New London, New Hampshire at the Gordon Research Conference in Tissue Repair and Regeneration.  Valerie gave a talk...
June 17, 2017
Congrats to May Fulton, a student of the lab, on her graduation from the Passage Program at Cedarhurst High School.  Here are Valerie, May, Guillermo (her lab mentor), and...
